A bachelorette party is never complete without bachelorette games and a bachelor party cake. The best bachelorette game ideas can multiply the fun of the party. This blog post explores some of the best hens’ night games. If you’re planning a bachelorette party, this article will help you make the best of it. Let’s dive in!
9 Funny Bachelorette Party Games for Bride
Online allows you to search for many games to play in a bachelorette party. But it’s difficult to segregate the best spinster party games from the cringe and awkward ones. Guess what! We have thoroughly researched online and offline to find the best bachelorette games. Here are the funniest spinster party games:
Groom Quiz Bachelorette Game Idea
This is one of the best hens’ night games. In this game, the bride has to answer questions about her future husband. You can make your own set of questions or download a free template online. Some examples of questions are – “When did the bride fall in love with him?”, or “When did their first kiss happen?” The whole game centres around the bride. But, the fun part is you have to send the same set of questions to the groom to write answers beforehand.
Drink If Bachelorette Game
This is one of the funniest Bachelorette game ideas. This game will surely fill the room with lots of laughter. Before the party begins, you have to create some ‘Drink if’ cards. Add questions like “Drink if you’ve kissed in a lift.” or “Drink if you’ve had a crush in school.” The idea is to make it humorous but not outrageous.
Guess Who Drinking Game
This is one of the bachelorette games that lets guests know a bit about each other. Each player needs to write a secret about herself on a piece of paper. You can make it naughty or set a boundary. After writing her secret, the player has to fold the paper and drop it in a bowl. After all the payers are done writing their secrets, it’s time to read it out. Each player takes her turn to draw one folded paper from the bowl and reads it aloud. She has to guess who it could be. If she is right, then the person who wrote the secret needs to take a drink. If wrong, then the person guessing has to drink.
Dumb Charades Bachelorette Game Idea
This game is one of the unique bachelorette party games for the bride. Here, the rules for original dumb charades apply. You have to divide the players into two groups and start playing the game. The only twist is that the theme has to be romance or wedding-related movies. Besides, the scene one must enact must be a romantic or wedding iconic scene.
Do You Know the Bride?
This is one of the icebreaker games to play at a bachelorette party. This game lets the guests find out how well they know the bride. In this game, you have to print out a set of questions about the bride. You can ask questions like:
- Which city was the bride born?
- What is the bride’s favourite actor?
- Name 2 things the bride loves doing in her spare time.
- Where did the bride complete her 10th standard from?
Never Have I Ever Spinster Party Game
This game is one of the best bachelorette party ideas at home to add lots of fun to the party. The guests have to sit in a circle. Each one has to say a thing they’ve never done before. Then whoever has done it in her life takes a drink. The game must start with the bride-to-be. The goal is to keep rolling until you’re out of ideas.
Wedding Dress Out of Toilet Paper
This is one of the most creative bachelorette party games for the bride. You’ll need loads of toilet paper for this game, depending on your guest list. Divide the hens( the guests) into 3 to 4 teams. Each team gets 15 minutes to make the most beautiful or funny bridal dress. The best part is that they must put the dress on one of their team members. The bride chooses the winner.
Panty Party
This is a naughty bachelorette game. Each guest will bring a pair of panties that reflect their personality. Everyone will have to hang that panty on a clothing line. The bride has to guess which panty belongs to whom. This is one of the funniest bachelorette game ideas at home. Everyone will have fun watching the bride guessing.
Lick and Stick Card
This hens’ night game needs one deck of cards. Each game round will have two players choosing cards with their eyes closed. Then, each player has to lick the back side of the card and stick it on her forehead. The number must face out to the audience and the other player. Then, each one has to guess if their number is higher or lower than the other player. The one who gets it wrong has to drink.
Final thoughts
A bachelor party is a celebration of joy, laughter, and lots of fun. So, choosing the best bachelorette game ideas is crucial to keep the energy level high. Don’t forget to make it hilarious as well as nostalgic. Mix it with creativity and excitement to make the bachelorette games more entertaining.
Also, read:
Hen Party vs. Bachelorette Party
Fun Bachelor Party Cake Ideas for Bride and Groom